Sitemap - 2020 - ReadTreats

Crime and Fiction - a devil's cocktail

The rise and rise of the internet trolls

The power of being an introvert

The joy of building libraries

Books, series and the Royal Family

Book Adaptations and Web/TV series

Man booker - one of the world's richest literary prize

The magical journey of Historical Fictions

Do you enjoy books written for the masses?

Exploring different perspectives on writers' block

Exploring mythology and making of an author

Storytelling in everyday life

ROTD - Chernobyl now: 'I was not afraid of radiation' – a photo essay

Exploring one's 'spot' where you can clearly think for writing or reading.

ROTD - Daffodils and other poems by William Wordsworth

ROTD - Characters are grey, but we like it that way!

ROTD - Dear Ijeawele: A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Is it necessary for characters to have a moral compass for us to love them?

ROTD - Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

What's your favorite book character that got brilliantly adapted to screen?

ROTD - The Road Not Taken: The Poem Everyone Loves and Everyone Gets Wrong

ROTD - 40 Hamlets, Ranked

ROTD - The last recession gave us the gig economy. COVID-19 could help reimagine it

How are you maintaining your work-life balance in this pandemic?

Do you sympathize with negative characters?

Why discussing your reads is important?

Do you listen to music while reading?

What defines you as a reader?

Should being an Author be formalized like other degrees?

What motivates you to read?

Did you read more this lockdown?

Amazing conversations around books, articles or newsletters shared in the Merrative community, deals and freebies on books!

Movies, Conversations and Information Overload

Open letters and journaling reads